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It Dangerous to Sleep With a Cell Phone Under Your Pillow:

Most experts agree with the warnings to avoid sleeping with a cell phone under your pillow.

The “under the pillow” angle of cell phone radiation is just a subset of a larger discussion on the topic of cell phone radiation in general. Though there is some evidence to support harmful effects of cell phone use on the brain, the jury is out on brain cancer or brain tumors and cell phone use.
Nevertheless, most experts advise taking the safe route and limiting unnecessary extended exposure, such as sleeping with a cell phone next to your head.

Ways to Reduce Cell Phone Radiation:-
While the debate rages, many people prefer to err on the side of caution and try to minimize their cell phone radiation exposure. Such steps include:

Keeping cell phone several feet away while sleeping.
Using speaker instead of talking directly into the handset.
Text instead of talking.
Use headphones or Bluetooth connectors.
If you are using your phone at night for its clock or alarm features, consider putting it in “airplane mode” which suspends the phone’s transmission functions.

IMPORTANT AND SHOULD READ do not delete this message before SHARING to the other.

On Sunday a family went to picnic with a few drinks tin. Monday, two family members admitted to hospital and placed in the Intensive Care Unit space. He died on Wednesday.Autopsy results concluded it hit Leptospirosis. The virus is stuck to the tin cans are drunk, without the use of glasses / cups. Test results showed that tin was infected mice that had dried urine containing Leptospira i.Highly recommended to rinse the parts evenly on all soda cans before drinking it. Cans are usually stored in the warehouse and delivered direct to retail stores without cleaning.A study shows that the top of all beverage cans more contaminated than public toilets (full of germs and bacteria.)So, clean it with water before putting mouth in order to avoid all accidents total

History of the Mango:

The mango tree, Mangifera Indica, is native to south Asia, by eastern India. It is a member of the Anacardiaceae family and is a distant relative of the pistachio and cashew trees. 

The plant has been highly honored and exalted in its native land from time immemorial and today is considered one of the most popular fruits in the world.

Since the mango seed is too big to be carried by water or wind, historians believe that Persian traders carried mango seeds with them to the Middle East.

During the 16th century, the sea-faring Portuguese introduced the mango to Africa, who then took their tasty cargo to Brazil in the 1700s. 

The popularity of the mango spread north in the Americas through the years. It reached Mexico in the early 19th century, and finally reached the United States in 1860.

Today, more and more consumers are discovering the unique, mouth-watering flavor of the nutritious mango, making it an essential part of their shopping lists.